Turas Rang 4 - Foyle Arena
22nd Jun 2022
Turas Rang 4 / Rang 4 School Trip
Chuaigh Rang 4 chuig Foyle Arena agus St Columb’s Park today. Bhí am againn sa halla spóirt, seal ar an bhalla dreapadóireachta agus ansin bhí picnic agus súgradh againn sa pháirc. Bhain na páistí an-sult as agus bhí siad chomh maith múinte an lá ar fad.
Rang 4 went to Foyle Arena and St Columb’s Park today. We spent some time in the sports hall, we had a go on the climbing wall and then we had a picnic and some playtime in the park. They really enjoyed themselves and were as good as gold the whole day. 💛
Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire, 40A Steelstown Rd, Derry, BT48 8EX Phone: (028) 7135 9648