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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Seachtain Feasach Folláin / Health Awareness Week

9th Mar 2020

Bhí lá iontach gníomhach ag Rang 6/7 inniu san Ionad Óige i Seantalamh le scoileanna áitiúla eile. Bhí an lá dírithe ar an tábhacht atá le hamharc i ndiaidh do chorp ach go speisialta amharc i ndiaidh do mheabhair shláinte.

Rang 6/7 had a very active day in the Youth Centre in Shantallow with other local schools. The day's main focus was looking after our health especially our mental health. They learned about the five areas to well-being which are; Be Active, Give, Connect, Take Notice and Keep Learning. There was also a lot of emphasis on team-building and relationships.  

To follow on from this, the talk in the school on Wednesday from 7.00-9.00 will also focus on mental health, well-being and resilience.