Scríbhneoireacht Threorach i Rang 4 / Instructional Writing in Rang 4
8th Dec 2022
Amharc ar Rang 4 i mbun foghlama an tseachtain seo caite. Chuidigh siad le Múinteoir Aisling cupán tae a dhéanamh! Ansin, scríobh muid treoracha le chéile agus fuair Rang 4 tae agus briosca chomh maith.
Check out Rang 4 learning actively last week. They helped Múinteoir Aisling to make a cup of tea! After this, we wrote a set of instructions and used them to make Rang 4 a cup of tea too. We even had time for a sneaky biscuit!
Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire, 40A Steelstown Rd, Derry, BT48 8EX Phone: (028) 7135 9648