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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Gléasta do Shamhain i mBunscoil Cholmcille/Fancy dress for Halloween in Bunscoil Cholmcille

30th Oct 2019

Bhí na páistí uilig i Naíscoil Dhoire agus i mBunscoil Cholmcille gléasta go hiontach inniu d'oíche Shamhna . Bhí sé deacair buaiteoirí a roghnú ach seo na daltaí a roghnaíodh ó gach rang.

All the children in Naíscoil Dhoire and Bunscoil Cholmcille were dressed up today in their Halloween costumes. It was very difficult for us to choose winners as they were all wonderful but here are the children who were chosen from each class.

Keep an eye on the Derry Journal Journal and the Derry News in the coming days as you might spot all the children again. Maith sibh a pháistí agus ta súil againn go mbeidh Samhain iontach agaibh uilig.