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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Geo Energy Discovery Centre

16th Oct 2024

Bhain Rang 6 an-sult as a gcuairt ar an aonad Geo Energy Discovery Centre i gColáiste Bhríde. Ghlac siad páirt i seisiún foghlama tarraingteach bunaithe ar fhoinsí fuinnimh in-athnuaite agus inbhuanaithe, agus fuair siad deis na gléas cinn VR a úsáid chomh maith. 

Rang 6 enjoyed their visit to the Geo Energy Discovery Centre unit at St Brigid’s College. They took part in an immersive learning session based on renewable and sustainable energy sources, and even got to use the VR headsets.