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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Éide Scoile / School Uniform

30th Jul 2020

 Éide Scoile Naíscoil Dhoire: Geansaí dubhgorm le logo na scoile, t-léine polo gorm éadrom, scriorta/gúna/riteoga dubhgorm nó brístí dubhgorm

Éide Scoile Bhunscoil Cholmcille: Geansaí le logo na scoile, brístí dubhgorm, t-léine bán, sciorta/gúna/riteoga dubhgorm. Bróga dubha

Naíscoil Dhoire Uniform: Navy jumper with school logo, navy trousers, skirt/dress and tights, light blue polo shirt

Bunscoil Cholmcille Uniform: Navy jumper with school logo, navy trousers, skirt/dress, white polo shirt. Black shoes

Naíscoil Dhoire and Bunscoil Cholmcille are together on the one crest.

Select Kidz, Max Fashions and School Uniform Company sell the school uniform. The school logo should be on the jumper but it doesn't have to be on the polo shirt. Please write your child's name on the label of the jumper with a permanent marker if possible. Some parents get their child's initials or their first name embroidered on jumpers. Please do not embroider your child's full name.