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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Dráma Rang 1

30th Jun 2021

Bhain muid uilig an-sult as an dráma a rinne rang a hAon ar na malaibh. Bhí an tionscadal seo leis an Nerve Centre an- tairbheach do na páistí.Spreagadh iad le bheith muiníneach agus iad páirteach sa dráma; bhí siad ábalta foghlaim óna chéile.

Rinne muid dráma faoin samhradh ag teacht agus bhain muid úsáid as scáileán glas. Cruthaigh na páistí na culaith iad féin ag baint úsáid as cáirtchláir, páipéar agus sreang agus mhaisigh muid iad le péint. Bhí na mionbheithigh go hálainn ar fad. D'úsáid muid gairdín scoile s'againn mar cúlra. Tá muid bródúil astu uilig. Bhí siad ar fheabhas!

We really enjoyed the drama that Primary one did recently. This project with the Nerve Centre was very beneficial for the children. It encouraged them to be confident as they joined in with the drama and they learnt a lot from each other. The drama was about the Summer coming and we used a green screen. The children created the costumes themselves using cardboard, paper and string and they decorated them with paint. Their minibeasts were brilliant. We used the school garden as a backdrop. We are very proud of them all. They were fantastic.