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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Cuairt an Aire Oideachais / The Minister of Education's visit

5th Jun 2024

Roinnt grianghraif ó chuairt an Aire Oideachais, Paul Given ar an scoil ar na mallaibh. Thug an Comhairle Scoile nua thofa cuireadh do mar chuid de cheiliúradh 40 bliain s'againn agus le cuid den obair mhaith atá ar siúl sa scoil a thaispeáint do. 

A few photographs from the Education Minister, Paul Given's visit to our school recently. He accepted an invitation from our newly elected School Council to visit our school as part of our 40 year celebrations and to see for himself the good work going on in the school. 

Go raibh maith agat le Lucy who snapped most of these photographs.