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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Alert - Nut Allergy

19th Sep 2019

Bunscoil Cholmcille is a nut free school. This will help minimize the risk of anyone who is allergic to nuts taking an allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock). This can occur through ingestion of peanut/nut products or cross contamination. This is a life threatening condition and therefore we ask for your support in helping us maintain a nut free environment as much as possible by:

  1. Avoiding giving children peanuts in school lunches
  2. Avoiding giving peanut butter sandwiches, other spreads containing nuts such as Nutella and snacks/bars containing nuts or labelled “may contain nut traces” in school lunches
  3. Asking children not to share their lunches.