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Bunscoil Cholmcille & Naíscoil Dhoire

Cartlann Gallery

2019/2020 School Year

1st Dec 2019
Ár dturas Aidbhinte/ Our advent Journey An Chéad Seachtain Agus...
28th Nov 2019
Rinne na páistí ón Chlub STEM scéal le iMovie. Rinne...
27th Nov 2019
Mr Abbott joined us today to show us how rockets are powered. As you can see the...
24th Nov 2019
D'fhreastal Rang 6/7 ar cheardlainn faoi dhóigheanna le fanacht sábhailte....
22nd Nov 2019
Bhí Lá Stócaí Corra againn inniu sa scoil. We held an...
19th Nov 2019
Chríochnaigh páistí Rang 4/5 clár “Down Right...
16th Nov 2019
Speech and Language Therapist came to visit and the children enjoyed participating...
15th Nov 2019
Rang 7 meditated on the positive words ‘Let me be gracious’.
13th Nov 2019
Rang 1 meditated on the positive words ‘Let me be Healthy, Happy, Holy’.
13th Nov 2019
Rang 2 meditated on the positive words ‘Today I choose happy’